Empowered Parenting 101


According to Merriam-Webster, parenting is simply defined as, “the taking care of someone in the manner of a parent.” However, this definition does little to adequately prepare parents for the challenging yet rewarding job of shaping a brand-new human being into a productive adult, ready to share their gifts and talents with the world.


This definition leaves a lot to be desired as bleary-eyed parents attempt to decipher the pre-verbal newborn’s most ambiguous messages at 3 am. Or the public meltdown of the irritable, contrite preschooler who refuses her daily nap, as the Fear of Missing Out becomes up close and personal. Or the grade-schooler, in an attempt to avoid the classroom bully, again feigns illness for the umpteenth time, as mom and dad face disciplinary measures for running late to work. Or the high schooler, desiring a sense of group belonging, contemplating the decision of engaging in risky behaviors, that will ultimately dictate potentially ill-equipped parents to assist their child in “cleaning up their mess”.   


Empowered Parenting aims to increase the feelings of confidence and capability that lend themselves to the rearing of confident and capable children. As children learn their morals, values, and belief systems through role modeling and the social learning encountered within each parent-child interaction, also known as, “the small teachable moments”, the advantage of this perspective is that it leads to an increase in problem-solving skills, appropriate decision making, cooperation and respect within social interactions, and overall positive self-worth that assist our children in making healthy choices throughout their lifespans.


 Empowered Parenting offers an intentional roadmap that may be incorporated into everyday parenting practices that can be used with newborns and children throughout their lifetime.


For parents taking the first steps to increase their confidence, and offer inspired parent-child moments, the following tips are suggested below:


·       Be aware of and acknowledge your own needs and feelings.

·       Don’t blame your child for how you feel.

·       Engage in decision-making that aligns with your values and increases your own self-worth.

·       Be fair, consistent, and follow through on commitments.

·       Create a sense of community and seek support when needed.

·       Praise yourself for positive parenting efforts.

·       Establish a routine to prioritize time to nurture and care for yourself!

·       Treating your children with dignity and respect.

·       Offering praise and positive affirmations to your child for being and doing.

·       Intentionally providing children opportunities to be successful.

·       Assist and encourage your children to take responsibility for their feelings.

·       Provide your children with developmentally appropriate choices and consistent consequences.

·       Talk to, and listen, listen, listen to your children!

·       Create a routine that incorporates family time with conscious engagement daily.

·       Respect your child’s body.

·       Be nurturing and supply care in assisting children in learning appropriate behaviors.


As gravity compels water to flow from the top-down, Empowered Parenting does the same. Channeling a child’s powerful lifeforce that incorporates optimum personality, developmental stage, school performance, health status, and environmental considerations, requires parental self-knowledge and continued introspection that provides a balance between all family members’ needs.  


Remember, you got this!

Leanora Gray, CIT


Grief and Loss: You Are Not Alone


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